

To My Dear Chickilicious Team

To My Dear Chickilicious Team

最後1天就新的一年了,謝謝大家為了雞排店努力了一年.我也不是因為有多厲害才成為你們的老闆.對我而言大家都一樣在為了雞排店在打拼,只是身份職位不同而已。.16年前我就開始了Chickilicious 努力直到今天我沒有停下來過,不是比大家聰明或是比大家強,只是因為有一直不斷對自己要求讓雞排店越來越好.16年了雞排店還在,而且業績,經營等等都越來越好.多謝大家的努力,我知道大家小額加盟的辛苦,但只有壯大現有的才能讓大家更好!雖然我們不是最好的公司,但是我們正在前進成為更好的公司.只有對自己要求更多的人,才能成為更強的人.大家幸苦了.

It will be a brand new year very soon after one days.Thanks everyone for working hard with Chickilicious this year. All I want to say is that I am not that smart or clever to be the boss, for me everyone is working hard together for Chickilicious but just we are having the different position. I have started up Chickilicious 16 years ago. Never stop working and strengthening it until now I am still on the way.Maybe I am not the smartest among us but what I did is try the best to make Chickilicious better and even the best. Chickilicious is still maintaining well now and more even better not only the sales but also the managing. It's credit by everyone. Thanks everyone for the hardworking. I know that everyone is tired and hard but only to make ourselves stronger to be the best. Although we are not the best now but we are already the path to make it. Only to require ourselves to be better and we will be smarter and smartest. Thank you again to everyone, have a very good and nice year thou! Good Job everyone, let's fight for the next year together!

I understand....
we are not alone..
we are Chickilicious..
Everyone u can fly..if u can.........

Daniel tai. 30/12/2016

Chickilicious Taiwan